An altogether brighter panel experience.
We offer access to our in-house panel of UK consumers - either as part of a full service project or as sample-only.
Our panel has been extensively profiled so we can provide highly targeted samples for specific audiences including Financial services, Shopping, Media, Leisure, Travel, Internet/mobile technology and Profession.
Why choose the Aurora Panel?
Because our panel is run by our team of experienced researchers, you are guaranteed the same one-to-one, hands-on service with the same level of knowledge, service and dedication on every project whether it is sample-only or as part of a full service project.
Our promise:
We only ever quote realistic numbers of completes. |
We soft launch to ensure everything is working properly and your objectives are being met. |
We understand the importance of accurate targeting, speed and efficiency. |
Our personal contact and regular communication mean you always know what is going on. |
We believe higher engagement leads to higher response rates. To obtain the best quality of data possible we aim to give respondents the best possible experience as panellists. We manage our panel pro-actively, maintaining regular but controlled contact with panellists and rewarding them for participation. The resulting response rates are well above average.
We recruit from a variety of sources to minimise sample bias and implement strict management controls. Our panel is fully compliant with the ESOMAR Guidelines on Conducting Market and Opinion Research.
We also run a weekly Omnibus on the Aurora Panel - please do get in touch if you would like further information or a quote.
You can view our panel at